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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250226-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959
Country: Canada,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Ames Reserach Center,California,Malton,Mississauga,Moffett Field,Ontario
TC Begins: 00:55:11
TC Ends: 01:05:54
Duration: 00:10:43
Continued... Pt. 2 of 2 CU hand holding 1/20th scale model; steam used to test model lift & controls as model is mounted in machine. 00:55:50 Technician at controls testing model in wind tunnel. 00:56:14 Men installing improvements in Avrocar in static rig / jig; tested remotely (blowing ice off pavement). Pilot flying tethered Avrocar. 00:56:56 Smooth free flight / untethered aircraft across concrete w/ snowbanks around edges & blowing ice off pavement. Pilot & co-pilot flying. MSs & LSs GOOD. 00:59:35 View of underside. 00:59:44 Flying smoothly, hovering, turning; moving away & back again. 01:01:12 Ext. Ames Research Center w/ cars parked near entrance. 01:01:17 Int. overhead shot of Avrocar w/ US ?? Force / US Army AV-7055 on it. 01:01:23 Ext. wind tunnel building. 01:01:30 Int. AVrocar mounted in wind tunnel on three variable mounts. CU movement of focussing ring system. Men working on aircraft changing sensing nozzels; CUs. 01:02:26 View of six dials & cables beneath in hanger. CU various parts. MS man at console during testing. 01:02:53 Ext. Malton, Ontario assembly plant w/ men working on Avrocar on jacks replicating tests being done at Ames Research Center. Pilot in aircraft flying tethered test. 01:03:43 More stable free flight w/ new system, turns, back and forth & landing. 01:04:38 Summary showing unstable early flight, intermediate flights & final stable flights. 01:05:47 End titles. Oddities; Testing Experimental Military Aviation; 1959; Nov59; Dec59; Flying Saucers; Development; Developing; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes of entire film 00:43:35 - 01:05:54 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate.