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1960 - Avrocar Assembly & Testing, Mar-May58

Reel Number: H2187-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1960

Country: Canada,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Malton,Mississauga,Ontario,Toronto

TC Begins: 03:33:32

TC Ends: 03:51:14

Duration: 00:17:42

1960 - Avrocar Assembly & Testing, Mar-May58 Slate: 04Feb60 . Avrocar w/ pilot & co-pilot flying across ice covered parking lot followed by car & fire truck; lands, rises, turns & moves about blowing ice around. LS, MCU. 03;34:43 Men to small model of Avrocar on white table top, talk (MOS) & point. 03:35:07 MCU model w/ US Army & US Air Force markings. 03:35:50 Slate: 04Feb60. Avrocar flight in parking lot, moving over ice from various distances; blowing ice; making repeated passes. 03:37:01 Slate: 04Feb60. CU of Avrocar w/ pilot seen from camera onboard. POV across pavement. View of pilot & co-pilot flying about. Hovering, turning from camera on pavement. 03:39:11 Slate: 04Feb60. Int. olf hanger, man standing on frame holding Avrocar suspended from winch & lowering to floor; Crane moving Avrocar outdoors & across pavement guided /steadied by men. 03:40:18 Test flying Avrocar across concrete & ice. CU pilot & co-pilot lifting visors & removing air-mask. 03?41:03 CU of ??, pilot. 03:41:09 Slate. Flying over ice, blowing ice; co-pilot waves. Moving forward & backwards, hovering. 03:43:16 Slate. MCU pilot, people walk out to Avrocar. He talks, gets out of vehicle. CU of co-pilot & pilot talking. Fueling Avrocar. 03:44:24 Slate: 01Feb60. Avrocar flying w/ vertical stabilizer. Flying over ice, turning. CU pilot & co-pilot taking off helmets. 03:45:11 Avrocar in hanger, man detaching vertical rear stabilizer, lifts off. 03:45:29 Slate. Avrocar suspended, men working beneath. Seen from above & alongside; MCU man attaching hose. 03:46:35 Slate. Avrocar flying w/o stabilizer, blowing ice. Pilot lifts hands. View turning in circles. Flying back & forth. 03:47:35 Slate. Men walk to table w/ small model of Avrocar sitting on blueprints; lift & look at it & one man manipulates slide rule. CUs w/ slide rule. 03:48:45 Slate: 05Feb60. Ext. hanger door w/ sign: Aircraft AVRO Limited. CU on AVRO. 03:49:13 Slate: 04Feb60. Pilot in cockpit, gets out of Avrocar, talks w/ men while fueling is done. 03:50:17 POV aboard flying Avrocar. Man posing beside parked Avrocar (shaky). Crane lifting Avrocar & moving to hanger. Experimental Aircraft Testing; Flying Saucers; NOTE: Any continuous 10 minutes sold at per reel rate.

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