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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250225-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1950s,1960s
Country: Cuba,Germany,Korea,Russia,USA
Location: Berlin,DC,Massachusetts,Moscow,New York Hyannisport,Washington
TC Begins: 23:06:16
TC Ends: 23:15:56
Duration: 00:09:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1967 - Cold War, Geneva United Nations Conference Card 1 of 2 B/W Montage: WWII graves, overseas cemetery; blowing up aircraft after WWII; mothball fleet; scrap metal; production of household / white goods, irons, electric ovens / cookers; cathode ray tubes. Swish-pan... 23:07:00 1946 - United Nations w/ Bernard Baruch speaking re a proposal for international control of all atomic energy. SOF: “We are here to make a choice between the quick & the dead...” 23:07:25 Aerial of Berlin post WW2, bomb damage. US aid / Marshall Plan / Cargo ships unloading. Montage: European countries benefiting from aid - construction work, laying new railroad tracks, steam train, agriculture, haying. 23:08:09 AVs Berlin, 1948, ground shots of Soviet Blockade w/ empty railway stations, roads, canals. Berlin airlift w/ planes flying low; supplies unloaded. Blockade lifted - border gates opened. 23:08:56 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation / NATO flags flying - montage military - naval - aircraft - troops marching. Scots guards. 23:09:17 Korea - Night artillery barrage. Day, Korean refugees. Montage: United Nations Security Council. Battle scenes Korean war. Injured soldier carried on stretcher. Blood transfusion given in the field. Korean peace talks - delegates arrive - sign. 23:10:26 Montage: Rocket fired; space race; Russian experiments w/ weightlessness etc. Missile launched. 23:11:25 Nuclear powered submarine. Russian military parade in Moscow’s Red Square w/ missiles; montage shots USSR & US Military hardware intercut. 23:11:57 USAF Reconnaissance plane landing. Still pix missile bases on Cuba. Brief shots re missile crisis - press. President Kennedy addresses the nation re crisis - announces Cuban blockade - speech continues over shots of reconnaissance planes landing, film removed, developed & studied. Operations rooms. B-52 bombers taking off. Brief shot JFK on small TV screen, people watching. 23:13:47 SOF Adlai Stevenson speaks at United Nations asks USSR delegate if they are putting missiles in Cuba. Russian delegate SOF refuses to answer. AVs Russian ships approaching Cuba - UN Navy ship running parallel. 23:15:11 Helicopter w/ Averell Harriman & Dean Rusk arrive at Kennedy holiday home after negotiating atmospheric atomic test ban treaty in Moscow. Press - photocall w/ President. 23:15:31 Moscow Kremlin - treaty signed by US, Soviet Union and Great Britain. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Cold War; Cuban Crisis; 1960s; Space Race; Korean War; Diplomacy; Diplomats; Politics; Security; Peace; NOTE: Any continuous 10 minutes of reel 23:06:16 - 23:25:00 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate). NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: