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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221759-12
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
TC Begins: 00:53:41
TC Ends: 00:58:50
Duration: 00:05:09
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Montage: Stop motion aerial footage of a hurricane from 22 miles in space; spinning weather satellite; radar operator in plane; exterior of weather planes; clouds moving; palm trees bending in heavy wind & rain; ocean waves; over sea wall & damage. Flooding. 00:54:49 Aftermath & people picking thru broken homes. 00:54:57 Main Title. 00:55:09 Clouds from airplane. Scientists off planes, view of planes in storm to seed clouds w/ silver iodide crystals. 00:55:29 Map of North American & northern South America showing paths of hurricanes. Large clouds; crews briefed; seeding cartridges (?) loaded & plane taxiing, taking off w/ radar dome beneath. Still of hurricane w/ names of storm portions; cutaway of storm clouds & animated diagram of air movement & water vapor movements. Path of seeding planes & dropping of cartridges. Silver iodide diagram. Patterns of monitoring planes. 00:58:10 Plane around outside of storm to monitor effect of silver iodide. Clouds & movements. Storms; Weather; Research; ESSA; Department of Commerce; Department of Navy; USAF; Science Film; NOTE: Named after Project Stormfury run by US government 1962 - 1983 though last flight was flown in 1971. This film based on footage of 1962 & 1963. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: