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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220633-03
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969,1960s
Country: Germany,USA,USSR
Location: Ramstein AB
TC Begins: 11:14:12
TC Ends: 11:23:38
Duration: 00:09:26
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1969 - Colour, Cold War: NATO 20th Anniversary of Founding R3 of 3 Signalman directing F-4 to park; USAF pilot / officer met by others as he leaves plane. 11:14:33 Interior two men look at reconnaissance photographs. Jet aircraft takes off, in flight; two aircraft, high altitude air to ground shots. 11:15:28 Montage: Low aerial of three submarines running on surface. Plane flies over. CU F-4 taxiing, reconnaissance film taken from underside of aircraft, rushed for developing. 11:16:01 Interior printing process - negatives running thru machine. Checked w/ map. Radar dome - brief shot radar screen. Planes on tarmac. Radar dish turning. CU man’s face. Shot of Radome on top of hill (Bmews? ) Technician at desk using headphones & speaker. Radar screen. Ground crew working on planes. 11:17:13 Crew waiting in ready room. Radar tracking station - operations room - pilots play chess - alarm sounded - slide down fire poles - scramble for exercise. Control tower; taxiing planes. 11:18:24 Aircraft in flight. Operations room. Exterior building, sign Seventeenth Air Force. Man enters security door, sign: USAFE - Consolidated Airlift Command Post. Interior control center, man on telephone in front of large wall map. Transport planes on tarmac. Aircraft takes off. 11:19:57 Intercut shots of Warsaw Pact & NATO training exercises / maneuvers w/ ships at sea firing missiles - paratroops, Soviet & USA, Radar dishes - equipment dropped from transport planes. 11:21:26 Soldiers on ground firing machine gun. Beach landings, US ships at sea. Submarine on surface. Pontoon bridges. Aerial of NATO or SHAPE HQ. Sign: Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe. Brief shot NATO troops march in parade - applauded by locals. Cold War; USA; Military Strength; Propaganda; 1960s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Received silent from NARA. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: