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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250107-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970,1970s
Country: Thailand,USA
Location: Travis AFB,U-Tapao
TC Begins: 20:40:04
TC Ends: 21:06:55
Duration: 00:26:51
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1970 - Color, Vietnam War: B-52s at U-Tapao RTAFB, Thailand. 24-25Nov70 Slate: Camera Mit Ton. LSs FV to MCUs B-52Ds taking off & passing over camera singly. Telephoto MLSs to MCUs FV B-52Ds landing & turning thru left frame singly. 20:45:55 MS FV KC-135A taxiing & turning thru right frames. 20:46:53 Airmen rolling M117 GP bombs w/ modified tail fins to end of trailer for pickup, bomb loader moving bombs from trailer to preload bomb rack--also shows airmen connecting arming wires to nose fuzes. 20:51:00 Slate: Camera, Franklin. 24Nov70. MCU B-52D taxiing thru l. to r. MS B-52D turning onto runway. 20:51:52 MLSs to MCU low angle B-52Ds taking off to right singly & away w/ heavy smoke. 20:53:02 MLS of B-52D w/ drag parachute l. to r. 20:53:57 Slate: Mit Ton. Bomb loader transferring M117 GP bombs w/ modified tail fins from trailer to preload bomb rack. Airmen mounting bombs on preload bomb rack. 20:59:08 Buckets of water in truck. CU sign on back of pickup truck VIETNAM 100 MISSIONS B-52D. MCU FV to CU low angle B-52D taxiing in. Crew leaving B-52D, tossing buckets of water on pilot and crew chief. 21:01:42 25Nov70 Franklin. Airmen working on B-52D tail guns. Four 20mm guns on ground behind B-52D. 21:02:53 Airmen positioning loaded preload bomb racks under B-52D bomb bay. 21:03:48 Slug 21:04:27 Crew boarding B-52D. 21:04:47 CU low angle B-52 taxiing to halt above camera; wheels bracket camera. Airman opening B-52 crew hatch. 21:05:43 Slate: 25Nov70 Trucking shots past B-52Ds parked in revetments. USA Military AF; Air Force; 1970s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: