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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221501-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970
Country: USA
Location: Eglin AFB,Florida
TC Begins: 19:00:05
TC Ends: 19:13:50
Duration: 00:13:45
Weapons Tests - Compatibility Test on M36 E2 Cluster Bomb Project, 28Aug & 28-30Sep70 Van at hanger w/ planes inside, not useful. 19:00:53 CU mounted M36 E2 cluster bombs mounted beneath fuselage of plane in flight from below. 19:01:26 MS of US Air Force fighter jet airplane in flight over ocean w/ coast visible. Plane pulls up, bombs seen clearly. 19:03:40 Release of left rear cluster bomb, slowly dropping away. Plane continues to fly. 19:04:42 Release of left front cluster bomb. 19:05:36 Release of right rear cluster bomb & camera follows slowly twisting bomb. Then back to plane. 19:06:39 Release of final bomb & following its drop. 19:07:10 - 19:07:20 black. 19:07:21 Shot from below rear of plane w/o bombs. Shot of cockpits w/ pilot & navigator or ?? on board seen from front of wing forward. 19:08:52 Bomb (?) mounted under plane 37407 markings on tail. 19:09:55 28Sep70 shot at 200 frame rate (?). 19:10:17 Painted ground target. Underside of USAF plane w/ various bombs mounted. Plane over land w/ coast beyond. 19:11:07 Release of bomb w/ waterway or road below & forest. No impact. 19:11:30 Fighter diving & releasing bomb (15:12:20) from front mount, falling away. 19:12:33 Plane in dive angle w/ release & bomb falling away. 19:13:23 CU of underside of plane Vietnam War Era; USA Testing; Eglin AFB, Florida; 1970;