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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221449-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1978
Country: USA
Location: ALASKA,California,eielSon afb,Fairbanks,florid|,Patrick AFB,San Diego
TC Begins: 05:15:53
TC Ends: 05:18:52
Duration: 00:02:59
1970s - Color, USAF: Arctic Survival - Women’s Track Team - Forward Air Control Title: Arctic Survival School, Eielson AFB, Alaska SOF Instructor demonstrating ‘squirrel pole’ to students in snowy forest. Sgt. Peterson explains method of instruction via stress of environment. Building shelter w/ logs & foliage, covering w/ snow. Signaling to OV-10 observation aircraft above, talking by radio; view from above of red cross laid out in snowy clearing. 05:13:32 Montage stills of 1978 Interservices Track & Field Championships, Southwestern University, San Diego. AF coach introduces first five women chosen to join in track events - women stretching, warming up. Female athletes: Debbie Anderson, Jeanie Hoover, Beth Jenkins; Jaye Johns, Lorene Ong (sp?). VS sprint, long jump, 5000 meters - athletes in USAF vests. Athletes to camera SOF. Slow-motion footage. 05:16:23 WWI barrage / observation balloon launched w/ basket; WWI spotter plane - balloonist bails out as balloon shot down. Modern day observation planes in flight. 05:17:06 Forward Air Controller FAC students given instruction at 549th Tactical Air Support Squadron at Patrick AFB, Florida; O-2 aircraft taxiing & take off. Student running along beach w/ VO re apprehension at joining FACs. Classroom; pilots on tarmac to planes; INT cockpit of observation plane during training mission. Ends abruptly. Military Aviation; Air Force Training; Athletics; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: