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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250150-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1974,1970s
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 12:26:47
TC Ends: 12:38:28
Duration: 00:11:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1970s - Color, USAF: YC-14, YC-15, YA-10, GBUs; Reconnaissance Aircraft Split screen of USAF aircraft taking off, in flight, unloading military equipment. 12:27:01 Boeing YC-14 & McDonnell Douglas YC-15 short take-off & landing / STOL transports demonstrated. 12:28:26 YA-10 w/ missiles attached beneath pulled over camera; taking off, in flight & firing GAU-8 Avenger rotary cannon on tank targets & hitting w/ explosions. Dropping rockets / bombs. Firing machine guns & explosions. Over treetops, men watch w/ binoculars. Aircraft from below seen firing guns. Explosions into target ring w/ flame bursts. Landing. 12:29:24 POV past camouflage painted twin-engine fighter. 12:29:37 Same plane w/ white paint in flight dropping large brightly painted missile / bomb. 12:29:54 Chart / diagram of GBU-15 cruciform wing weapon / glide bomb unit or weapon. Various types shown. 12:30:11 MCU Release of glide bomb from alongside; from above wings opening. Electronic view following to target. Ground view entering target in slow motion w/ explosion. 12:30:39 Boeing 707 modified as Airborne Warning & Control System / AWACs plane w/ radar dome turning on tarmac; taking off to right. CU of turning / revolving painted dome from above. 12:31:04 Man at electronic console in plane, CU punching button; screen of radar blips. LS of plane in flgiht. Interior shots of crew; electronic screen w// outline of Oregon, Washington, Idaho; plane in flight above clouds. 12:31:48 F-15 taking off l. to r. w/ afterburners firing & climbing steeply to vertical & rolling over & looping, circling against clouds. Display screen showing maneuver. More maneuvers & landing. 12:33:11 F-16 take off r. to l. wheels up. CU pilot face, hand on throttle. View of contrails, plane rolling & view from plane past pilot & from chase plane. 12:34:18 B-707 taking off overhead, aerial in flight; refueling. Red telephone on desk in plane; airmen at consoles & talking on telephone. Lecture on board film. Officers talking around table. Plane w/ United States of America on side landing. 12:35:12 SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft taxiing out of hanger, taking off from ground & chase plane, seen from alongside & beneath. CU spectators watching. Poster re world speed records 27Jul76 Beale AFB. CU in flight. Landing. 12:36:24 AGM-86 ALCM / air launched cruise missile w/ shark face painted on pushed out to plane; view beneath being installed. Men in launch plane, missile dropping, in flight over mountain & desert. 12:37:16 White unid. USAF supersonic plane taking off, in flight, aerial views from chase plane, aerial refueling seen from cockpit, refueling plane & case plane. Electronic reader. Cruise missile released. Plane flying low over mountainous seen from chase plane. 12:38:22 End credit. Aviation Design; Military Aircraft; Defense Promotion; 1970s; Note: Sold at per reel rate. Very good color & quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: