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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250151-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s,1974
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 14:00:04
TC Ends: 14:05:58
Duration: 00:05:54
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1973 - Color, USAF: Drone, YQM-94A, Compass Cope RPV Testing Title: Compass Cope RPVs (YQM-94A / YQM-98A) 14:00:13 Unid. four-engine propeller driven w/ AGM on wing, released & falling away. 14:00:29 Views of Boeing RPV YQM-94A Gull in flight from front, side. 14:00:49 Parked in hanger. CU YQM-98A 72-01871 on fuselage, pull back showing two planes. 14:01:19 Crewman on tarmac preparing RPV for flight, MS w/ support vehicles around. CU. Doorway of control shack w/ electronics. 14:02:07 Man w/ microphone in back of vehicle w/ electronics & microphone. 14:02:19 LS YQM-94A taking off, passing overhead. In flight from alongside at high altitude. 14:03:17 Men on ground w/ controls intercut w/ RPV in flight. 14:03:50 RPV landing, taxiing, taking off again; CU in flight w/ Boeing on fuselage. 14:05:16 Landing approach & man in control shack; man at telescope. Landing l. to r. Military Development; Unmanned Flight; Aircraft; Reconnaissance; Remotely Piloted Vehicles; NOTE: Ryan Aircraft YQM-98 R-Tern aka Compass Cope R (first flight 17Aug74); lost AF contract to YQM-94 A-Gull aka Compass Cope B twin tail jet drone, (first flight was 28jul73 & crashed on second flight on 04Aug73) seen in flight. Note: May be combined w/ other short rolls to total up to 10 minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: