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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0879-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s,1974
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 02:39:26
TC Ends: 02:51:31
Duration: 00:12:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1974 - Color, USA Military: USAF, Northrop Promotional Film re YF-17 Ease of Maintenance. YF-17 in flight, landing, parking. Main title. 02:40:20 Traveling shot past technicians working on prototype / mockup assembly; panel for controls; inspecting. Fighting panels, fastening - CUs. 02:42:38 Assembled plane on jacks & wheels raised & lowered; MS; raising canopy, fitting ejection seat. 02:43:35 Replacing wheel; electronics box. CUs of various parts including hydraulic lines . Removing ?? 02:45:33 Removing panel, lowering weapon, adjusting. Cart moved under plane & engine lowered & removed. Mechanic working on it on stand. 02:48:08 MCU tightening ?? w/ end wrench in side panel of aircraft. Reading Engine Health Monitor; technician w/ computer case on tarmac beside FY-17 w/ USAF markings on aircraft w/ engines running. 02:49:08 YF-17 w/ camouflage paint signaled for taxiing & parked. Ground technicians inspecting aircraft. Refueling, checking wing-tip mounted missiles. Pilot out & inspecting. 02:50:32 Rear view of taxiing & taking off in steep climb. 02:51:01 Pan w/ YF-17 making low pass & steep climb & rolls. 02:51:26 End credits. Defense Industry Promotional Film; Light Weight Fighter Airplane Evaluation; 1970s; Competition; NOTE: YF-17 competed against & lost to YF-16 for acceptance; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: