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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221062-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1979
Country: British Indian Ocean Territory,Chagos Islands,Philippines
Location: clark air base,diego garcia,indian ocean
TC Begins: 05:31:25
TC Ends: 05:44:57
Duration: 00:13:32
1979 - Color, USA Military: Cubi Point, Clark Air Base and Diego Garcia Pt. 1 09-14Feb79 LS C-141 Starlifter cargo plane landing / taxiing at Diego Garcia airfield. CU sign ‘Welcome to Naval Weather Service Environmental Detachment Diego Garcia - The best NWSED in the Indian Ocean where Ignorance and Superstition Parallel ?’ 05:32:06 Pilots greeted by USAF? duty officer w/ map. ‘Blackjacks’ badge. USAF unit badges on display. LS plane on tarmac. Crew belongings removed from truck. VS cargo loaded onto plane w/ transporter. 05:38:51 ‘Clark AB Operations Center’ building. ‘Clark Air Base Welcomes You!’ sign. Vars CU and LS cargo loading. Military Aviation; 1980s; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: