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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1007-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1979
Country: USA
Location: California,Chino
TC Begins: 03:00:02
TC Ends: 03:22:37
Duration: 00:22:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1979 - Color, USAF Munitions: 30mm Armor-Piercing Ammunition Manufactured. 24-25Sep79 Slate: 24Sep79. Dir Hartman; Camera: Byrd. 03:00:20 Mr. Seaman, Plant Manager, outside Chino, California, Aerojet building, holds 30mm x 173 GAU-8/A cartridge outer case next to cartons, speaks MOS to camera. Pan w/ woman in shop coat picking up carton & carrying inside past machinery moving cases on conveyor. Repeats. 03:03:54 Slate: same. Seaman holding completed AP-1 round & talking (MOS) in center of roadway. Repeats. 03:06:31 MSs woman placing cartridge cases on conveyor, others working behind. CUs of cartridge cases moving down conveyor & thru stamping machine giving date & lot number identification. 03:09:30 MS forklift moving crated rounds onto truck. 03:09:48 Leader. 03:09:57 Slate: same. CU of woman placing cartridge cases onto conveyor from carton. 03:10:52 CU mechanical arm picking up cases, inverting them & placing in clamp. CUs of machine picking up primers from drum, inserting them into cartridge cases. MS overall view of primer/cartridge case assembly machine working. 03:13:22 ECU of hand pushing buttons on flash tube inspection gauge. CUs & ECUs of cartridge cases moving down conveyor thru propellant loading machine. Women wearing protective safety masks at conveyor belt, checking cartridge cases as they move past. 03:15:05 CU of woman checking propellant level in cartridge cases on conveyor, then pan to stamping machine. Electric lighted gauge . CU conveyor w/ cases. 03:16: CU label: Depleted Uranium & identification markings on cartridge case. ECU filling explosive into cases on conveyor. CU markings on casings. Women (no mask) at conveyor. ECU. 03:19:48 Leader 03:19:56 Slate: 25Sep79, same. CU woman (no mask) measuring powder in cartridge case w/ finger ; other unid. machine working - pressing powder in case . 03:20:45 ECUs of AP-1 rounds being placed on conveyor for packing, w/ High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds (yellow) being placed w/ them (every fifth round?). ECU of AP-1 rounds on conveyor. 03:22:37 Leader. 03:22:47 Sign: A-10 System Program Office ASD/YX Building 17. (Wright-Patterson AFB) CU, MS, LS. Cold War; Weapons Manufacturing; Armament Industry; NOTE: Up to any continuous 30 minute from 03:00:02 - 04:31:55 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: