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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250205-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1977,1978,1970s,1980s,1990s
Country: USA
Location: Arizona,Davis,Monthan AFB
TC Begins: 06:58:31
TC Ends: 07:12:00
Duration: 00:13:29
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1980s - Color, USAF Aircraft: A-10 Training & Weapons Loading, refueling A0-10s w/ weapons taxiing. 06:59:37 Black 06:59:39 Ground crew moving special cart w/ 30mm ammunition for GAU-8/A Avenger cannon / gun; CUs loading ammunition belts & removing empty belt, 07:01:54 Fuzing bombs w/ wire; loading missiles on carrier & moving to aircraft, attaching under wing. 07:03:49 Black 07:03:51 A-10s taxiing, taking off. 07:04:15 Four A-10s behind KC-135 refueling plane; view from refueling operator to approaching A-10. CU fueling & MS release & departing A-10. A-10 dropping bomb on tank w/ VO of pilot & ?? View of GAU-8/A firing & hitting targets. Landing A-10 07:05:44 Black 07:05:46 Aerials from in front of A-10; view from in front of two, one moves back. Mountains below w/ river. CU GAU-8/A barrels; pilot in cockpit; ALQ-131 under wing. Two A-10s. 07:08:06 Black 07:08:08 Ground views of A-10 making passes & firing on target; practicing rolls & evasive maneuvers over desert. 07:08:57 Four A-10s at end of runway; 07:09:09 Black 07:09:11 A-10 signaled onto taxiway of desert airstrip; one w/ shark mouth taxiing past, waiting for refueling; CUs. Taxiing, taking off overhead. Military aircraft training; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; NOTE: A-10 Thunberbolt II introduced Mar77, produced 1972 - 1984. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: