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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220367-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
Location: McConnell AFB, Texas
TC Begins: 20:39:09
TC Ends: 20:54:00
Duration: 00:14:51
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1980s - Colour, Cold War: SAC; NATO Training; Korea Training Title sequence. 20:39:40 Large KC-135R transport landing. Title: On Alert Aerial of ready planes on tarmac. KC-135R taxiing. Air refueling fighter jet. KC-135 used for mid air refueling. Interior hangar - maintenance work on aircraft. 20:41:30 Family visitation center where families can visit when crew is on alert. Little girl playing on computer w/ Dad - hugs. Family at table in visitation center. 20:42:29 Control room - alert situation exercise. Alarm sounding - crews run to vehicles & drive to aircraft. Scramble - crews board planes. Plane takes off. Crew shots. Mid air refueling. Strategic Air Command; Cold War; 20:45:20 Tanks thru town; helicopter over & AF A-10 planes; Officer SOF re Warrior Preparation Center - joint facility for army / air force training of NATO. 20:46:27 Officers in control room using computers, look at maps & general communications. Map on wall w/ Soviet sticker. German air force commander SOF who is taking part in exercise. War games on computer. 20:48:23 South Korean war memorial in honor of US soldiers who died during Korean conflict. Meeting between North & South Koreans. 20:49:10 Title: Cease-Fire aka ceasefire. SOF officers to camera re policing operation in South Korea intercut w/ shots US military training: jet fighters, tanks & weapons. SO by officers; ready planes w/ bombs, out of hanger & taking off. 20:51:26 SOF statement from South Korean officer who says the US are needed in South Korea. Montage of shots. North Korean guard looking through binoculars superimposed over shots Korean War 20:53:14 Coming Attractions: High School Junior ROTC; Project Warrior - General Hap Arnold; Pacific Logistic Support Base Kadena AFB, Okinawa Presented By Your Air Force Cold War; Korean War; USAF Military Training; 1980s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: