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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220422-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1981,1980s
Country: USA
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
TC Begins: 16:19:23
TC Ends: 16:35:53
Duration: 00:16:30
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1981 - Colour, USAF Newsreel: USAF Sec. Orr; Refueling Training; AFOG; AF Show; Pilot Training 19Nov81 Views Wright-Patterson AFB Museum. Secretary of Air Force Vern Orr talks to servicemen re programs to improve the Air Force’s living conditions. Main Titles. 16:20:42 CU eraser on pencil erasing. Montage: pencil writing, foot tapping, classroom blackboard, tossing coin, pocket calculator, hands raised, blackboard. 16:21:01 Mock-up of refueling boom mounted on wall. Diagram of fuel circuitry & instructor, students in uniform. CUs eyes. Montage: pencil, exercise papers; paperclip; eyeglasses, model of cargo restraints; writing, drumming fingers. 16:22:28 CU Refueling boom extended. View from below of plane refueling. Speaking between planes. Planes separate & comeback in & connect. Instructor at graduation. Handshakes & diplomas handed out. CU Insignia. 16:24:09 Sec. Orr answers question re upgrade of weapon system; re Soviet armament production & nuclear disarmament. Greater production by USSR in planes, submarines, etc. Thinks Reagan’s suggestions of mutual disarming from a strong position is good. 16:25:54 Montage: Americana - milkman, farmer w/ ponies, cute kid sleeping & airmen and planes. AF Orientation Group (AFOG). AFOG logo. Men in shop making logos, signs, models & displays. Slide- tape presentation. Man talks to camera about taking show on road. Map of USA. Trucks carrying military equipment on country roads. 16:27:35 Air Force Show: costumed pageant parade for Yorktown Bicentennial. Modifying Air Force aircraft for display. Displays at AF museum. Simulator van w/ a replica of B-52 cockpit. Visitors around display plane. Man explains to camera about keeping American public informed... as a recruiting tool. 16:29:44 re pay in Air Force; Renewed respect for uniformed men amongst American people. 16:30:39 Silhouette running in sunset or sunrise. Pilot training fast montage: men cheering, exercising, in light plane, put on helmet, briefings, planes past camera, taxiiing, takeoffs; parasailing & POV pulled behind car & released. View from ground of landing. Man speaks to camera. T-37 spinning POV, seen from another plane. Air to air w/ instructor’s plane. Simulator training from outside, intercut w/ instructor speaking. Jet taking off from plane, three jets in tight formation, peel off. One does roll. plane in sunset. GOOD QUALITY. Positive Reinforcement; Quality of Life; Recruitment; Re-enlistments; Re-enlisting; Military Aviation; Cold War; Recruiting Film; Missiles; Military Audio-Visual Presentations; Recruiting Methods; Americana; 1980s;Management; Military Recruiting Film; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: