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1983 ca - Color, Cold War: USAF Looking Glass (SAC Survivable Command)

Reel Number: 250196-07

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1983,1980s

Country: USA

Location: Nebraska,Offutt AFB

TC Begins: 12:52:46

TC Ends: 13:01:14

Duration: 00:08:28

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1983 ca - Color, Cold War: USAF Looking Glass (SAC Survivable Command) Air Force Chief of Staff General Lew Allen Jr. says quality of life improvements are being made rapidly. 12:53:32 Titles. 12:53:49 MCU airman’s boots walking toward camera on tarmac, pull back showing rifle & AF maroon beret of sentry. Views of aircraft on tarmac; CU sentry looking around. Aircrew to plane & checking aircraft, removing ribbon, climbing into plane, visual inspection outside & inside EC-135 of 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Offutt AFB. Captain Tom Anderson SOF talks about EC-135 & SAC Airborne Command Post, Looking Glass w/ airmen at electronic consoles w/ images intercut between interior of aircraft & SAC Underground Command Post in Colorado w/ men at long consoles & on telephones. 12:55:50 Air to air of EC-135 in flight; interior w/ officer talking w/ men on board. Return bomber. 12:56:02 High angle / HA view of ICBM concrete silo top opening & missile launching / firing. VERY GOOD. 12:56:08 Interior of man at electronic control panel in airplane setting code for launching ICBMs. CU lighted light: Fault, then Fault Change. Men moving thru aircraft; pilot or co-pilot during flight. 12:56:23 Aircrew w/ bags boarding aircraft, setting switches, reaching for red binder next to: Emergency War Orders. Men in plane pushing buttons, talking on phones, typing, patching cables. 12:57:12 SAC General Officer boarding aircraft & shaking hands & given key & briefing from binder. Pilots prepare for takeoff. CU engines starting, 12:58:10 Major General Louis C Buckman who flew one of first Looking Glass mission briefed by crewman & SOF: “There’s certainly been a lot of changes in the Looking Glass as far as the equipment & the performance of the aircraft over the past 21 years but the basic mission to provide a survivable command & control element has not changed....due to a lot of very capable people...” Visuals of ground maintenance crew working; plane begins taxiing. Narration: “...making an enemy think twice about striking first. That’s the Looking Glass mission.” 12:59:35 EC-135 taking off over camera. 12:59:46 AF General Lew Allen, Jr, SOF, MCU: “I’m convinced we are entering a dangerous decade & therefore we’ve put our emphasis on readiness & sustainability & war reserve materiel & additional production of aircraft & weapons that we have great confidence in. So we will move to improve our war fighting capability very quickly because by being strong the Air Force can best make its contribution to the continued peace of our country.” 13:00:14 Air Force wife in kitchen, husband & children; kids playing together in AF Family Support Center. Hugs & kisses to father arriving home. Woman putting large floppy disc into computer & text / commands on screen. Military Survivability; 1980s; Nuclear Warning System; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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