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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250196-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1985,1980s
Country: Russia,USA,USSR
Location: Alaska AF Station,King Salmon,Tatalina
TC Begins: 12:38:34
TC Ends: 12:48:13
Duration: 00:09:39
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1985 - Color, Cold War: Alaska Air Defense Operations, Radar; Bomber Interceptions Title w/ graphics thru stars. 12:38:52 Screen of computer intercut w/ USAF officer speaking to camera: “Highly reliable & easily maintainable” “also improves our operational readiness” 12:39:11 Radar dome thru bare tree branches, turning antenna, SOF officer: “its a big success story.” 12:39:20 Aerial over Alaska snow w/ domes on peak, frozen river in valley, bare peaks. CU radar dishes w/ geodesic domes. Zoom in on military village. Crate on truck: Project Seek Igloo. Truck moving away. Heavy equipment driving past in CU. Radar Igloos on peak; view down onto Tatalina AF Station, base barracks & support facility; CU of buildings. 12:41:46 CU sweep on radar screen & turning receiving screen of FTS 117. Pulling / moving large domed antenna w/ truck & bulldozers. LS from air of domes placed on peak. 12:43:02 Title: April, 1985, King Salmon, Alaska. Pan along coiled telephone receiver to man talking. CU boy as dad talks to him telling him he’ll be back in a week, kisses wife goodbye. VO “because the Russians are out testing us.” 12:44:17 Airman checking briefing book, walks thru information center, superimposed: Elmendorf AFB. 12:44:27 Montage: Tracking shot past airman at console to airwoman on telephone asking about air traffic matching movement on radar; goes on intercom, CU hands picking up phones & punching buttons. Officer calls for scramble. CU airmen into flight suits, hanger door opens as men running in slow motion & into planes, F-15 taxi out for take off, LA in air of pilot w/ plane in steep climb, airstrip seen below. Aerial of planes in flight. Airmen & women at consoles. CUs talking on microphones. 12:46:56 Pilot taking pictures of another USAF F-15 & USSR Tupolev Tu-95 bomber alongside. Newscasters announce “the first time this new type of Russian bomber has been seen over international waters in Alaska”. CUs of tail, w/ gunner in rear side window giving V-sign. 12:47:37 Alongside two F-15 in flight w/ mountain (McKinley ?) behind; boy playing w/ F-15 model greeting father. CU Soviet crewman looking out of bomber window. Cold War; Intercepting; Patrolling; Testing Defenses; Propaganda; Promotional Film; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: