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1990 - Color, USAF: B-1B Taxiing; Touch & Go Landings; In Fllight.

Reel Number: H1724-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1990,

Country: USA

Location: California,Edwards AFB

TC Begins: 10:37:56

TC Ends: 10:47:55

Duration: 00:09:59

1990 - Color, USAF: B-1B Taxiing; Touch & Go Landings; In Fllight. Parked ? w/ camouflage paint; pan to B-1B on tarmac. Sunset or sunrise, pan w/ B-1B taxiing r. to l. 10:39:05 Daylight touching down landing B-1B, pan with until taking off again. Nose wheel doesn’t hit pavement. 10:39:33 Daylight low pass & taking off again w/ chase plane alongside. 10:40:15 Repeat l.s. full landing. 10:41:07 R. to l. landing from aerial alongside. 10:41:39 R. to l. alongside B-1B in sweeping right turn w/ mountains behind & below, chase plane on opposite side. B-1B alone, high altitude, silhouetted from below against blue sky w/ wings swept back, MCU of engines, rear bomb bay door opens. 10:44:41 Shot beneath w/ landing gear lowered 10:46:02 Underside w/ landing gear up. 10:46:21 LS From above & rear; MS as three sections of bomb aby doors open Military Aircraft; Bomber; Training Exercises; NOTE: Any continuous 10 minutes sold at per reel rate.

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