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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1867-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1989,1990
Country: Panama,USA
Location: Bragg,Ft,North Carolina,Sicily Drop Zone
TC Begins: 01:00:00
TC Ends: 01:39:18
Duration: 00:39:18
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990 - Color, Military USA: 82nd Airborne Redeployment & Mass Parachute Drop & Ceremonies Night, pan airfield, 82nd Airborne troops in camouflage on tarmac waiting to board flight, blackening faces. LS, MCUs. 01:02:57 Light on soldier adjusting pack straps, MCU, parachute pack. 01:03:36 Men standing talking about boarding / jumping; parachutes checked. Officer shakes hands w/ men, talk & television cameras covering. Talking to men laying against packs on tarmac. 01:06:22 (edit). 01:06:29 Night, few lights, men talking on tarmac - not visible. Plane w/ lights, taxiing (edit) 01:08:37 Night MCU lights of plane taxiing, silhouetting men briefly. 01:10:09 Men boarding rear of USAF transport plane; interior along walls & center posts. Sitting, CUs, LSs. Sleeping, resting, adjusting packs & parachutes. 01:18:05 Preparing to jump; lines hooked to static line & moving forward past camera. POV descending w/ many parachutes seen around & behind; other planes dropping above. Landing & gathering chute. 01:21:06 View of other parachutes out of planes & landing in early morning light. GOOD. 01:23:58 Parachute lands on cameraman or cameraman cleaning lens etc. 01:26:02 View of others gathering gear on sandy field. More planes over dropping paratroopers. 01:27:48 Men gather, stack gear at side of field; assemble w/ unit banners. Pan group. LS & MCU March off past camera to cheering people. Army band, television cameramen & cheering Panama natives, woman wearing Just Cause sweatshirt w/ child. Speech talking about 23 gave their lives, 324 injured. Thanks Panamanians for welcoming ceremony. “Proud to be an American” 01:34:12 Saluting as Army song played. View of local people w/ placards. Soldiers hugging & meeting their families as band plays. 01:38:14 Pan to two Helicopters w/ motors running, officers board & take off. Return; Panama Invasion; Ceremonies; Propaganda; Spectacles; NOTE: Edited so speech etc. not continuous. NOTE: Sold any continuous 20 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: