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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250208-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1990s
Country: Bosnia,Somalia,USA
TC Begins: 12:28:16
TC Ends: 12:42:02
Duration: 00:13:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990s - Color, Bosnia: C-141 Starlifters Unloading NATO tanks; Taking Off Soldiers inside C-141 Starlifter unloading NATO equipment. Exterior low angle from grass field w/ Abrams tank down ramp out of nose of unmarked aircraft. 12:29:01 Tank backed across concrete of airbase, CU. 12:29:26 Exterior rear of plane w/ camouflage green paint & no markings. Tank out of nose; ground crew signaling unloading another tank down boards on ramp. Boards removed. CU Air Mobility Command on underside of raised aircraft nose. 12:30:49 CU Air Mobility Command insignia. MS of nose of plane & ramp raising to fold inside; nose lowered. 12:32:37 LS past tail of helicopter behind sandbags; another Black Hawk taxiing past. C-141 begins taxiing out of frame, turns and crosses frame. CU of pilot thru cockpit windows. CU wheels & undercarriage past as taxiing continues away, turns at end of runway & takeoff run past thru wheels raised. GOOD 12:36:46 Plane in flight. 12:36:57 C-141 w/ US Air Force 60th A.W. markings signaled in on airstrip & parked. Front nose opens. CU of ladder & men out; ramp lowered; ramp raised; lowered. Men off plane w/ rifles & across tarmac. Tank unloading w/ MCU of tank driver; LS of unloading, boards put in place on ramp. Officer watching, tank down boards. Next tank off w/ heavy diesel smoke. Men loading ladder into plane. Military Aircraft; Large Transport; USAF; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good color & action. Needs more specific identification / location. May be Somalia. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: