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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250208-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1990s
Country: Philippines,USA
TC Begins: 12:21:25
TC Ends: 12:28:13
Duration: 00:06:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990s - Color, Military Exercise: Asian Officers Watch UH-60 , F-22, CH-47 & LVTP-7 in action Parachute descending w/ life raft , landing in water. F-15 or F-22 making run & dropping flares or ??. 12:21:39 Ground shot of small bombs exploding along roadside, buildings behind. 12:21:46 White UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter making low pass over water; formation of UH-60 helicopters in over beach & one in MS unloads troops by rope while hovering , then leaves. MS of UH-60 banking & turning overhead, leaving. GOOD. 12:23:00 F-22 making pass. 12:23:04 Asian officers in camouflage seated watching. View from reviewing tower of bomb explosions across runway. F-22 making pass. Black Hawk helicopters over water of bay. 12:23:38 Landing craft towards shore. CUs of helicopters circling; lifting off w/ men on cable being hoisted while underway. 12:24:50 Landing craft towards shore. Plane overhead 7 bombing run w/ napalm; explosions in water along beach. Huge explosion inland. LVTP-7 Tracked landing craft reaching shore & crossing sandy beach, up onto sandy dunes. View of observers on hillside. Troops out of amphibious vehicles & running ashore. 12:26:41 CH-47 Chinook helicopter w/ camouflage paint past & landing; troops out rear door & run w/ rifles, bay in background. Troops CU past camera. Other troops firing shoulder-mounted howitzer & machine guns. 12:28:04 Other views; explosions across field. Training; Philippine Officers ; Equipment Demonstration; USAF ; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Needs more specific identification / location. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: