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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250210-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1990s,2000s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 16:37:09
TC Ends: 16:56:34
Duration: 00:19:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990s - Color, USA Military: Medevac Retrievals In Desert Landscapes Crewmen working on retrieval cable hoist in UH-60 Black Hawk Medevac medical helicopter. 16:38:12 POV over helmet of pilot. Soldiers preparing for flight; men inspecting hoist mechanism as mechanic works on it. Front view as mechanics leave helicopter & engine starts, doors shut & lifts off after warming up. Flies away from camera. 16:42:07 not useful or black 16:42:17 POV past pilot in UH-60 over canyon; view out of side over dry mountain countryside. 16:42:56 Crewman watching out side while landing ; climbs out & hands carton out to soldier. Back into UH-60. View during flight of passenger. 16:44:13 Side door & crewman moving things inside. CU Medevac insignia & motto: Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere. 16:44:43 Mechanic working on top of UH-60 16:44:59 Black 16:45:03 Soldier in desert talking on small walkie-talkie, jet fighter bomber banking overhead, man breaks flare & bright red smoke as off-screen instructor gives directions. Two U-60 Black Hawk helicopters arrive & men descend on ropes; helicopters leave. 16:47:05 Black 16:47:08 Medics placing bandaged body on flexible sheet as litter & tied around injured man. UH-60s landing, men pull injured on sled / litter to USAF UH-60 & quickly load. Two from second UH-60 hurry back & board. Both helicopters take off w/ dry lake bed & mountains in background. 16:52:03 Black or not useful. 16:52:07 Medic writing on tag on wounded / injured. Two stretchers & Marines carry injured across dry lake, load into two Navy helicopters from USS Vinson (CV-70); cameraman filming take-off. 16:54:17 MS Naval SH-60 Seahawk landing on dry lake. MCU Marine carrying injured or body over shoulder to helicopter; stretcher to helicopter & loaded. Turning, taxiing & taking off 2000s; Military Training; NOTE: Please provide us w/ any additional information or corrections. NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: