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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0882-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1980s,1990s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 10:42:23
TC Ends: 10:50:24
Duration: 00:08:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1990s - Color, USAF Operations: F-15 Night, Day Takeoffs, POVs, Landings, Refueling Pilot to F-15, tail no BT AF84 015 in hanger, cockpit closes & ground crewmen watching it prepare to leave hanger onto tarmac, taxii - night. 10:44:05 Black 10:44:07 Day & wiating at end of runway, another taking off past control tower; second w/ afterburners takes off. 10:44:58 Dusk & landing past camera r. to l. Second lands over camera. 10:45:49 POV daytime POV in plane waiting to take off, taking off w/ voices on sd track & control tower information, sharp right turn. 10:46:40 View along side F-15 taking off, wheels up & view over water, l. to r. 10:47:26 Similar but r. to l. 10:47:48 Repeat taking off r. to l. 10:48:16 F-15 taking off l. to r. w/ low mountains behind. 10:48:40 Black 10:48:41 Aerial of KC-135 refueling approach F-15 (radio talk of instruction to pilot from boom operator). 10:50:02 Aerial MCU of F-15 l. to r. rolling away. Aerial F-15 in dive l. to r. & pulling up Fighter Jets; Aircraft; NOTE: F-15E introduced in 1988. NOTE: NOTE: May be combined w/ other short films to total maximum of 10 minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: