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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250098-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1996,
Country: USA
Location: Cecil Field,Florida
TC Begins: 03:18:00
TC Ends: 03:27:49
Duration: 00:09:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1996 - Color, Military, USAF: Night Operation of MH-60 Pave Hawk Title: Joint Task Force Exercise ‘96. Sikorsky MH-60 Pave Hawk Operations. Cecil Field, FLA. 03:18:08 Night interior / exterior on tarmac w/ crew preparing, pilot & co-pilot put on elastic gloves. Machine gunner strapping into position in side door, putting on night vision goggles. 03:20:44 Ext. Helicopter on ground, crewmen in cockpit, LS & CU. 03:22:48 MH-60 taxiing out, view out past machine gunner; other helicopter on ground seen w/ rotors turning, lifting off, lights on horizon. 03:24:29 MH-60 on ground in clearing, trees behind. 03:24:55 Helicopters take off overhead. Helicopter slowly overhead & hovering, men down ropes. 03:26:20 Men on ground w/ small lights on heads. 03:26:41 Two Helicopters moving off overhead, pan w/ them circling low over trees. USAF Military Aviation; NOTE: sound dips at 03:18:46 on source tape. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: