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2000s - Color, USA: Excerpts of B-2 Bombers, Maintenance, Construction, Refueling, Bombing

Reel Number: 250103-11

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 2000s

Country: USA

Location: Knob Noster,Missouri,Whiteman AFB

TC Begins: 13:18:06

TC Ends: 13:28:34

Duration: 00:10:28

2000s - Color, USA: Excerpts of B-2 Bombers, Maintenance, Construction, Refueling, Bombing B-2 in hanger, POV walking up into plane, view out of front window onto airstrip. Airman Brian Gibson working on it, says it felt good when it worked, 24Mar?? 13:18:39 Large JDAM bombs moved from carts; talk of being able to bomb thru clouds. Nose of bomber; Spirit of Kansas WM wheel cover. Entrance gate. 13:19:10 - 13:19:12 Black. CU views of bomber surface, hanger doors closing w/ bomber in BG. 13:19:31 - 13:19:32 Black. Aerial from above & in front of B-2, side view dropping bomb, explosions on desert. 13:19:43 Night & B-2 landing. Map of roundtrip route to Kosovo, then superimposed refueling, bomb load. 13:20:14 Day. Crew scrambling into play, taxiing out of hanger, towards camera on tarmac. 13:20:38 Int. High Angle (HA) assembly line w/ many B-2s partially constructed. 13:20:46 - 13:20:47 Black. Aerial side view B-2 in flight, dropping load of bombs, bombs into ocean. 13:20:57 - 13:20:59 Black. CU scrubbing & hosing B-2 in hanger. 13:21:21 Aerial side view above clouds, B-2 approaching refueling, view from refueling plane. 13:21:34 Side view of B-2 dropping bomb, explosions; LA dropping many bombs. Explosions. President Clinton speaking in Whiteman hanger w/ pilots & crew around, SOF “B-2s from Whiteman flew less than 1% of the total missions but dropped 11% of the bombs.” 13:21:54 B-2 signaled into hanger; taking off w/ another in sky in BG. Talking about things getting better. CUs. Shots on airstrip. 13:22:37 - 13:22:39 Black. HA rear of taxiing B-2; LA taking off overhead; aerial from above during take off. From below during wheels up. Alongside & above. Banking over desert mountains; approaching KC-135 refueling plane & seen from KC-135. Side view while refueling w/ chase plane seen. Retraction of boom;another refueling. CU hand on stick for refueling. CU B-2 pilots windows; retraction of boom; attachment of boom; retraction. LA of refueling B-2; side view. 13:26:51 R. to L. B-2 landing from plane alongside; also from ground w/ telephoto. BOTH VERY GOOD 13:28:11 L. to R. B-2 taking off. Military Aviation; Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Promotional Films; USAF; Operation Allied Force aka Operation Noble Anvil was NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 24Mar-10Jun99. B-2 Stealth bombers flew from USA. This was first combat use of JDAM & B-2s dropped 11% of bombs.

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