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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250097-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 2003
Country: Iraq,USA
TC Begins: 01:10:07
TC Ends: 01:16:21
Duration: 00:06:14
2003 - Color, Iraq War: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Aircraft Carrier; Fighters Refueling 22Mar-13Apr03 01:10:17 View of F-16 approaching fuel boom; CU boom entering F16; CU pilot; CU boom operator & hand on stick. Boom leaves plane & F-16 peels off to left, another approaches, attaches, boom leaves & peels off to left. 01:11:16 Joint Combat Camera Center logo. Title: 08Apr2003. A-10 Operations. Undisclosed location. 01:11:26 Front of hanger w/ 301st & 304th Rescue sign above partially open door. CU sign. Two Black Hawk helicopters on tarmac, rotors turning. MCU machine gun out side, pilots in cockpit; men preparing, climb in, helicopters take off. Three men walk away w/ body armor , take off helmets. Other activity on tarmac. 01:12:42 AH-10 Warthog / Thunderbolt II on tarmac w/ partially exploded engine & men inspecting. CUs. Removing covering. Views from rear & side. 01:13:32 JCCC Logo. Title: 22Mar03 0001 GMT F-16 Returns from Mission. Staff Sergeant Chris Campbell. Night on tarmac, F-16 guided in. CU pilot in cockpit. 01:14:23 Title: 21Mar03 KC-135R Refueling Mission. Master Sergeant T. Lancaster. 01:14:33 KC-135R w/ out markings taxiing on wet tarmac. 01:14:41 Aerial view ahead following two four-engine planes. Side view approaching tanker w/ refueling boom extended. 01:14:47 ECU boom operator. LS of tanker & four or five planes above clouds. Refueling B-52 over scattered clouds. 01:15:12 JCCC logo. Title: 13Apr03 USS Theodore Roosevelt, Mediterranean Sea. 01:15:22 Aerial from helicopter circling CVN-71 in morning or afternoon light moving slowly. Iraq War; Iraq Invasion; USAF;