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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221332-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1966
Country: Vietnam
Location: Da Nang Air Base
TC Begins: 00:27:02
TC Ends: 00:40:01
Duration: 00:12:59
AF Data Automatin (UNIVAC 1050) Da Nang AB, Vietnam (Oct-Nov66) Pt. 1 of 2 Cameraman taking light reading. Interior of computer room w/ two men including AF technical sergeant at UNIVAC 1050-11 flipping switches & writing in log book as another airman watches. MCU of consol. 00:28:40 Paper running at speed thru printer at high speed. 00:29:30 Airman loading punch cards into sorter & running machine. CU of stacking cards. 1050-11 console w/ operator. LS. 00:31:14 Men in Supply Priority Section at desks. Handing information. Taking phone call, speaking on radio equipment. Man typing form at typewriter given information. 00:33:14 LS Two F-102As taking off past camera. 00:33:52 Three F-4Cs take off. 00:34:23 Twin-engine C-123B taking off. Two F-4Cs take off. Four-engine C-130A landing past camera. 00:35:45 Airmen processing supply requests by hand in front of boxes of cards. 00:37:22 F-4C in revetment w/ mechanics working on wing hose connection at Da Nang. 02-03Nov66 CU & LS. War, Vietnam; Military Computers; Calculators; Efficiency; Continued on Pt. 2 of 2