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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220339-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1983
Country: USA
Location: Congress,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 03:01:03
TC Ends: 03:05:13
Duration: 00:04:10
Pre Title Tease ( includes good gavel shots ) Air Force Now 03:02:10 Air Force Appear Before Senate Congressional Committee 1984 budget hearings w/ Sen. John Towers & Sen. Barry Goldwater. Secretary of Air Force Verne Orr speaks re Air Force needs over shots of hearing. General Charles A Gabriel gives evidence to hearing. 03:03:15 Senator Goldwater speaking (Edward Ted Kennedy). Gen. James R. Allen speaking. General W.L. Creech speaking, 03.04.38 Senator Tower speaking. Gen. Bennie L. Davis speaking. Exterior Congress 03:05:05 Beauty shot of Capitol. Military; Cold War;