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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221447-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
Location: Derby High School,Kansas
TC Begins: 03:43:06
TC Ends: 03:49:30
Duration: 00:06:24
Air Force Now - (Junior ROTC, Derby High School, Kansas) CU man giving marching order; CU civilian feet marching; military boots marching. Junior ROTC, Derby High School, Kansas. Sr. Master Sgt. Larry Scott speaks to camera about teaching Advanced Leadership to Cadets. Students calling roll; presenting to instructor. 03:44:31 Student leader talks, voice over of Jr. ROTC on campus, onto buses, into helicopter, student talking at table showing their leadership. 03:45:23 Night football game w/ team running onto field through sign; cheerleaders; crowd; plays; ROTC routine w/ flags & pseudo guns. Daytime, students leaving school. 03:46:02 Helicopter w/ ROTC students over countryside, views; CUs in plane. Drill team down street in parade past bank, people watching from sidewalk. 03:47:32 ROTC cadet day day dreaming, military jet airplane in slow motion. AF Academy graduation; cut to student day dreaming. Planes in flight. POV rolling thru, over rugged countryside. Thunderbirds over. Instructor wakes James Copher from day dream. Military Propaganda; 1980s; 1985 or 1986; Military Recruitment Films; Gag; Indoctrination;