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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221450-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s,1980s
Country: USA
Location: California Vandenberg AFB
TC Begins: 06:09:44
TC Ends: 06:16:10
Duration: 00:06:26
Air Force Now - Minuteman Missile Test Launch ( ICBM ) Airforce three-star general in office speaks to camera (SOF) re importance of training and that it never ends. Introduces film on final training before Minuteman Missile launch. 06:10:48 Special effects of night sky w/ dots of light - minuteman missiles in flight. Airman Capt. Bob Garland to camera standing on rocks by ocean. 06:11:26 Strategic Air Command (SAC) operations center interior, at work. Snowy landscape. Operations room, Vandenberg AFB? California, briefing. Aerial over & minuteman missiles prepared for launch. Launch facility - maintenance. 06:12:17 Lt Kevin Brock to camera re maintenance & preparations for operational test. Walks around site showing hoisting cover to missile silo, looking down on missile in silo & men working on missile. Talks of imprtance of test launch as deterrant. “Since deterance is the name of the game, we’ll keep on playing it.” 06:13:14 Control room, flashing buttons. Men & woman working on missile. Countdown team in control center. Men on telephones & w/ headphones. Men at electronic panels, consoles & monitors. Aerial over radar dome on mountain peak. Countdown to launch, CU electronic panels, radar dishes, tracking radomes on land & at sea. Hand turns key & missile launch w/ plume; pulling back to show second missile launch. Tracking, man at radar screen. Missiles through sky. “Deterance and carrying the biggest stick; and hoping we don’t have to use it.” Personnel Training; Vandenberg Air Force Base; Military Rocket Launching;Testing; Cold War;