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Air Force Now - The Real Flip Corkin

Reel Number: 220345-04

Color: Black and White and Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944,1980

Country: BURMA,USA


TC Begins: 09:13:06

TC Ends: 09:20:10

Duration: 00:07:04

Air Force Now - The Real Flip Corkin Cartoonist Milton Caniff at drawing board sketching, SOF to camera. Flip Corkin from Terry & the Pirates cartoon. Says the comic character was inspired by real-life person Philip Cochran. 09:14:10 Operation on Thursday 05Mar44 Philip Cochran in Burma briefing crew. Building airstrip in jungle clearing & loading gliders w/ supplies to be dropped. Men board. Glider lines laid out on field. Briefing. 09:15:36 Planes takeoff w/ gliders in tow. Flying over jungle. Gliders dropped & land or crash-land. 09:17:19 Activities at airstrip w/ equipment; treating wounded w/ arm missing. Marching thru jungle. Wounded evacuated by air. Work on air strip continues - digging by hand & w/ tractors & bulldozers. Calling first aircraft on radio w/ telegraph key & Morse code; first aircraft lands on airstrip & Philip Cochran & others meet him. 09:19:37 Sketch of Cochran, Caniff talks. WWII Pacific; Asia; Military Promotional Propaganda;

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