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Air Force Now (Flying Safety)

Reel Number: 221447-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1985

Country: USA


TC Begins: 03:17:44

TC Ends: 03:24:58

Duration: 00:07:14

Air Force Now (Flying Safety) 03:18:17 “Smith you’re really going to have to get into the books on those emergency procedures; this is the second time you’ve almost blown it.” Other situations when things are approved when they shouldn’t be. 03:19:16 Three jets crash on runway or next to it in large balls of flame. Burning remains of planes. 03:20:00 Title: Flying Safety sometimes there is no second chance. Planes & montage. 03:20:38 Col. Steve Foster, Commander of 7th Airborne Command & Control Squadron in front of EC-130E. plane speaking to camera. 4-engine overhead, forward air controller on ground, interior of plane w/ consoles & men talking to pilots. Listening to intelligence data & suggesting targets. Two strike aircraft w/ twin tails; another fighter plane. Men at telecommunications stations w/ headsets. Airborne battlefield command & control center planes. Fighter bombers turning to dive. 03:24:37 Military truck in forest & explosion immediately in front. 03:24:41 Underwing rocket fired, seen from another plane. View of tank moving & exploding from air & ground. Other explosions. Military Propaganda; 1980s; 1985; Military Recruitment Films; Reconnaissance; Intelligence Gathering; Fighting;

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