Apollo 15 Remembered
Air Force Now
Interviews w/ Apollo 15 crew members.
14:08:58 26Jul71 Cape Kennedy. Rocket. Astronauts Scott Irwin & Worden in space suits prepare. Spectators outside. Moon surface. People in control room applaud. Astronauts on moon. Lunar rover seen and crew member Scott comments on it. Astronauts seen on monitor screen.
14:10:53 Good shot moon surface w/ earthrise in background. More moon surface shots of craters. Worden talks re being alone in space craft & volcanic activity on moon.
14:12:39 Irwin re how moon walk has changed his life. Spacecraft takeoff. Landing in sea w/ parachutes. Scott, Irwin & Worden come out of spacecraft.
14:13:36 Astronaut on moon next to American flag. Earthrise. Presented by your Air Force.
NASA; Space Exploration; Space Race;
Apollo 15 Remembered Air Force Now Interviews w/ Apollo 15 crew members. 14:08:58 26Jul71 Cape Kennedy. Rocket. Astronauts Scott Irwin & Worden in space suits prepare. Spectators outside. Moon surface. People in control room applaud. Astronauts on moon. Lunar rover seen and crew member Scott comments on it. Astronauts seen on monitor screen. 14:10:53 Good shot moon surface w/ earthrise in background. More moon surface shots of craters. Worden talks re being alone in space craft & volcanic activity on moon. 14:12:39 Irwin re how moon walk has changed his life. Spacecraft takeoff. Landing in sea w/ parachutes. Scott, Irwin & Worden come out of spacecraft. 14:13:36 Astronaut on moon next to American flag. Earthrise. Presented by your Air Force. NASA; Space Exploration; Space Race;