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ARDC Staff Film Report #9 Part 1

Reel Number: 221067-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1955

Country: USA

Location: eglin field afb,holloman afb

TC Begins: 14:00:06

TC Ends: 14:09:52

Duration: 00:09:46

USAF Staff Film Report #9 Part 1 Mar55 Animated map of US showing location of USAF Air Research & Development Center ARDC and ten development centers. X-7 Ram-Jet Test Vehicle: MS of Lockheed X-7 pushed out on ramp at Holloman air base; MCU X-7 pushed under wing section of B-29 bomber; ECU as booster is fastened onto X-7. VO gives speed, weight & fuel of the booster. MLS camera pans left as B-29 takes off carrying the X-7. MS low angle of the B-29 in flight carrying the X-7; aerial launching and free fall of test vehicle; the booster fires and separates from the X-7; ECU as seen from stationary camera mounted on the test vehicle. Shows the separation of the booster from the test vehicle and the tail section as it gets red hot. CU wing section of the test vehicle VO gives approx speed. CU parachutes opening; CU looking up into the blossom of the drag chute - camera pans down with the X-7 test vehicle descending toward & piercing into the ground. CU crane removing test from ground and placing it on flatbed trailer. MS trailer, carrying the test vehicle, going into large hangar. 14:04:49 Landing Gear Experiments - Unclassified: CU camera pans right w/ B-25 taxiing. CU landing gear on the B-25 This is a test of a new type landing gear which has internal shock thrust using a hard rubber tire. CU landing gear retracted into the fuselage. CU landing gear as technician points to vars parts of the inner wheel VO explains shock absorber system & states that a multi-cell tire is being developed for this purpose. CU landing gear as the aircraft lands. 14:06:16 Cold Weather Tests of E-6 Fire Control System - Confidential: MS climatic hangar at Eglin Field; CU as technicians adjust E-6 fire control system of F-89G fighter plane This system is being placed in a cold weather chamber in the climatic hangar. CU technician raises hood on fuselage of aircraft. CU removal of dome from radar scanning device; several CUs as fire control system checked; CU radarscope; CU radar antenna - in operation on aircraft in the climatic hangar. Scope gives demonstration of searching, locking onto target, and theoretical firing. CU removing rockets from the pod to check; several short clips of checking system. 14:08:03 HEP - High Explosive Plastic Bomb - Confidential: CU bomb spool-shaped - VO gives dimensions. VS ground testings of bomb which is released w/ air gun. Shows firing of this gun and the damage done to an armour plate. Military Aviation. Cold War.

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