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Attack Signal Reel 1

Reel Number: 221045-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: South Pacific,USA

Location: Pacific

TC Begins: 21:28:47

TC Ends: 21:37:13

Duration: 00:08:26

Attack Signal Reel 1 Dramatisation using stock footage. Shows how one defective walkie-talkie can impair battle plans. US task force, cruiser, destroyer, transport on way on mission to to attack Japanese installations on Island No 6 north-east of Guadalcanal. Radio control room. Land-based USAF bombers - pilots in cockpit - bomb door opens, drops, house explodes, smoke from island. Task force offshore. Animated strategy map. 21:31:57 Troops on boat to shore communicate with base through walkie-talkie. Firing and explosions. Amphibious landing. Japanese soldiers seen through binoculars. Troops battle on island. Defective walkie-talkie breaks down at crucial moment. Crossing island under fire. 21:36:18 Walkie-talkies are rush-ordered for the invasion - Under-Sec. of War Patterson and Gens. Somervell and Olmstead in their offices. Planning meetings for production. Caricature billboards in factories WWII. Pacific War

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