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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250186-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1929,1930s,1946,1940s
Country: USA
Location: California,March Field,Muroc AFB
TC Begins: 15:10:28
TC Ends: 15:26:35
Duration: 00:16:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Aviation History, Military: USAAF 1929 Training; B-10; B-18; P-26; XS-1 & B-29 Intertitle: Graduation From March Field On February 27, 1929. The Review... Army air cadets marching (not speed corrected) & presenting graduation diplomas outdoors. Planes flying over Grand Canyon. Various planes in fly-by & fly overs at March AB, California. 15:12:06 Title: Governor Rolph thanks Colonel Arnold... MCU B-10 & fighters taxii & take off. A-17 in flight line; flyby. Martin B-10 flyover & in aerials. B-18 flyover New York City, NYC accompanied by Boeing P-26 Peashooter, first all-metal production fighter aircraft. 15:13:32 Title: Universal Newsreel, March Field, California U.S. Battle Planes In Training Flight Above The Clouds. Formation air to air. 15:13:56 Black 15:14:00 Si. Aerial of empty desert airfield ; circling tower under construction. 15:15:12 Ground test apparatus w/ rockets, men assembling. LS cockpit mounted on rails w/ rockets & slow-motion of firing; view of several ejection seats rising, slow motion. 15:16:21 Equipment trailers set up on desert, two men at radio or radar apparatus tracking. 15:16:28 Tracked vehicle in front of plane; MS radio / radar tracking operators. CUs. 15:17:21 Slate: Camera Reg Lyons, 16Dec. XS-1 Muroc AB. 4-engine plane pushed back by tracked vehicle w/ X-1 beneath. 15:17:53 MS Yeager posing by nose of Glamorous Glennis. Shakes hands w/ two airmen & into back of truck. X-1 landing. In sky. CU tracking antenna turning. 15:19:12 Flash slate: 06May47 Camera C.O. Burmahln XS-1 Radar Antenna. Antenna rotating, tilting; plane contrail overhead. 15:19:41 Ground crew looking up, watching. Aerial of X-1 firing engine seen from above. 15:19:53 Aerial of X-1 beneath B-29. 15:20:23 X-1 on ground, hose to equipment at tail w/ steam or ??. Two men at nose hatch. Brief clips of antenna, X-1 beneath B-29 w/ engine firing; B-29 on ground pulled over X-1 in pit beneath; X-1 raised into place. Other views. 15:21:08 Medium ground shot of rear of X-1 no. 6063 (X-1-2) w/ engine firing. View from rear. 15:21:46 MCU attaching X-1 to B-29. Engine, place cover plate; ground crew watching it pass overhead. 15:22:26 Aerial of X-1 beneath B-29, engine firing. B-29 taxiing to camera w/ X-1 attached; in air from alongside l. to r. engine firing. 15:23:53 POV from behind crew & out B-29 nose. Aerial alongside & slightly above, l. to r. Ground tracking antenna on trailers. Interior of attachment raising after X-1 release. 15:24:30 Tractor pushing B-29 on tarmac; view of X-1 beneath parked B-29 & fueling. 15:25:04 Slate: 09Dec46 MLS fueling station & B-29 pulled by tractor to it. 15:25:38 Slate: 16Dec46 Nose raised on small plane. X-1 in pit beneath B-29 & raising into place. B-29 moving over or away. USAAF; Air Force Promotion; History; Celebrities; Adventurers; USAF; NACA; National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics; NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. Quality at beginning poor but balance okay. GOOD footage of loading X-1 onto B-29. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: