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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221444-03
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1987,1940s
Country: China,USA
TC Begins: 00:32:20
TC Ends: 00:45:01
Duration: 00:12:41
Air Force Now title sequence 00:32:50 AWACS Past & Present SOF re history of EC-121 Warning Star ‘Connie’ jet over stills; scenes of plane taking off, in flight. Headline re use in Vietnam. 00:33:48 Black pilot talks to camera - technical problems w/ aircraft - Congress approval of modernisation. Modern E3 AWACs Century in flight - 707 w/ rotordome satellite mounted on top; AWAC crew at work on board, tracking devices - crew members SOF describe purpose of unit - bases in Iceland, Saudi Arabia & Tinker AFB. Scramble fighter planes to direct Russian bomber (GOOD) out of air space. Analyst talks to camera re importance of hardware & software. Air to air E-3 in flight. 00:37:30 CU portrait of WWII pilots; Brig Gen Robert Scott SOF, talks about lying his way onto a B-17 bomber to Karachi after Pearl Harbor attack. Flying C-47 over the ‘Hump’ for China. Stock footage of Japanese occupation of China. Flying Tigers & pilots in American Volunteer Group in China; P-40 fighter planes; pilots at briefing and in flight. Brig Gen Claire Chennault; air to air battle scenes; enemy plane crashing. Pilots scramble to planes, take off, POV & fighting. GOOD. Montage: Color CUs pilots posing next to planes - nose art. Chinese & Americans. Talks of Museum of Aviation as useful to educate. 00:44:15 Trailer for next month’s special edition of AFN to celebrate 40th Anniversary of USAF creation - VO by Walter Cronkite (on LN 504-040). Military Aviation; WWII; Reconnaissance Technology;