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Berlin, Germany (1955) R3 of 8

Reel Number: 221148-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1955

Country: Germany

Location: Berlin

TC Begins: 03:29:36

TC Ends: 03:37:11

Duration: 00:07:35

Berlin, Germany (1955) R3 of 8 02Sep55 People boarding street cars & buses; vehicles drive off. People at outdoor food stall. German department store. Large control building w/ flags in front. German apartment buildings constructed in 1954-55 under the Marshall Plan. Berlin Area Headquarters main gate w/ US, French & British flags. MS sign on empty highway ‘For the Next Two Miles You Will Be In The Soviet Zone - Do Not Stop’ Petrol tanker past sign. Gas truck. 03:33:55 INT empty hangars at Templehof AB, Berlin. C-54G plane in hangar. MS signs ‘Autobahn: Helmstedt 172km’ & ‘Check Point Baker’. Golfers on golf course in Wasse subdivision of Berlin. Post-WWII Reconstruction & Prosperity. 1950s. Trolleys; Daily Life;