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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221339-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: South Vietnam
TC Begins: 13:14:23
TC Ends: 13:22:52
Duration: 00:08:29
Captured Viet Cong Film During Operation Junction City (1967) R2 Pt. 3 of 3 Tree branches, CU of US military radiosonde transmitter, pictures of American kids, ID card, medals all displayed on black blanket. 13:15:40 CU of leaflet Thanh Tich Dhien Dau Cua Doan 37 22.12.1964 - 22.12.1966 Tilt down poster. 13:16:04 Viet Cong in tent reading flyers. Hanging up on line. Lessons at tables in jungle. 13:17:10 Leveled field, cut tree trunks w/ boobytraps. Tall trees w/ fruit. Rice paddies. Planes overhead. People digging, burning rice remains & preparing paddies. People w/ rifles in fields planting. People soldering tin cans and filling w/ gasoline or ?? for roadside bombs or mines. 13:20:17 Woman distributing leaflets to people in clearing. Reading while smoking. Sign: Bien-Hoa Dong Xuan more. 13:21:21 Van w/ many people in it. Indoctrination lecture in clearing. Woman lecturing. Vietnam War; Anti-Imperialism; Revolution;