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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220811-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Burma,India
TC Begins: 18:00:01
TC Ends: 18:10:44
Duration: 00:10:43
Chindits’ Operations In Burma VS British RAF pilots at outdoor briefing session at Indian airfield w/ chalked diagram on wooden crate. US fighter planes & bombers take off, fly overhead in formation; fighters swoop low over field. Bombers landing. 18:01:44 Officers watching as USAAF planes swoop to collect gliders from field. LS and pan US pilots and planes. Activities at base: aircraft being camouflaged, troops packing ammo, seeing dentist & playing volleyball. Red Cross workers serving coffee and cakes. 18:03:55 Gen. Wingate deplanes, briefs men, inspects Chindits units - Operation Thursday, March 1944? Pilot briefing session, Wingate inspects troops & examines map. VS troops, equipment, pack animals loaded into C-47 transport planes & gliders. Vars takeoffs. 18:07:13 Troops inside transports. AVs Burmese jungle; US & British planes land behind Japanese lines inc Spitfires; troops unloading vehicles etc. LS burning US plane and CU wreck. VS troops clearing land for airstrip w/ bulldozers, equipment and explosives. WWII; Explosions; Military Recreation;