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Combat America - Clark Gable Reel 2

Reel Number: 220323-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: EnglandUNITED KINGDOM,United Kingdom

Location: Polebrook

TC Begins: 01:09:31

TC Ends: 01:18:55

Duration: 00:09:24

Combat America - Clark Gable with USAF 351st Bombardment Group H AAF in England USAAF attend lecture on security - also explains English money to crews. Alarm sounds - scramble to leave room, plane on fire after training accident. 01.11.12 British Halifax bombers on airfield who landed when unable to land on own field. RAF crews board planes and take off. Orders arrive, communications clerk takes message to Colonel Milton and Colonel Burns. Crew briefing on destination and weather. Crews pick up guns from armoury. Ground crews preparing aircraft. Bombs on bomb trolley. Loading bullets for machine guns. Men put on heated suits and flak jackets. Men on tower watching take offs. Engines start up - planes taxi and take off - ground to air in formation flight. Men who haven’t gone on mission clock watch. Men on tower, line of truck drivers ambulance drivers and ground crews waiting for return. Formation of planes as they count them in. B-17’s

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