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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220323-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: EnglandUNITED KINGDOM,United Kingdom
Location: Polebrook
TC Begins: 01:36:00
TC Ends: 01:50:03
Duration: 00:14:03
Combat America - Clark Gable with USAF 351st Bombardment Group H AAF in England - Colour Hotel which has been converted to Rest and Relaxation Centre by Red Cross. Men arrive carrying suitcases and meet up with friends. Group riding with local girls in horse drawn coach. Swimming pool - water slides, diving. 01.37.27 Back at base troops being entertained by Bob Hope, Jack Pepper ( pictures dark ). Wall showing missions. Plane landing, General Acre out. Officers confer. Bomb dump - planes bombed up. Men in hut night before mission, writing home, lying in bed trying to sleep. Wake up call. Briefing, crews are told they will be flying into Germany. Planes taking off - in formation flight. Interior plane putting on oxygen masks. Aircraft rendezvous with other groups. 01.43.24 Airbase, fighter escorts Thunderbolts / P-47s take off. Interior bomber - gunner spots escorts. AV flying over enemy coast - flak. Escorts turn back. Bombers in formation, contrails in sky. Aircraft come under enemy attack, guns firing , US bomber wing smoking, plane goes down they watch as crew parachute out. More gun firing as emeny strikes again, another bomber goes down. German plane goes down. American bomber downed.