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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220323-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: Polebrook
TC Begins: 01:50:04
TC Ends: 01:59:20
Duration: 00:09:16
Combat America - Reel 6 - Clark Gable with USAF 351st Bombardment Group H AAF in England - colour Planes flying through heavy flak, knocks out engine. Guns firing at enemy aircraft. Air to ground, smoke screen over target area. German fighter attacks formation. Bomber goes down. Signal flare for bomb run. Bombardier opens bomb bay doors. Bomb away - good shots as bombs and incendiaries fall. AVs bombs exploding on industrial areas. Bomb bay doors closing. Aircraft going through flak as turn for home. Enemy fighters attack formation. Gunners with machine guns firing. German planes go down. Explosion as enemy aircraft blown up. Planes return to base after mission, rainbow over field. Two airman walking across airfield