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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221448-03
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1984
Country: United Kingdom,USA
Location: elsworth afb,Langley Field,Prestwick,Scotland,South Dakota,Virginia
TC Begins: 04:23:53
TC Ends: 04:41:15
Duration: 00:17:22
Air Force Now (Combat Weapons Loading Competition - Aerospace Rescue & Recovery) 04:24:02 Mount Rushmore, South Dakota Black Hills. CU sign: Ellsworth Air Force Base Strategic Air Command, Peace Is Our Profession, Welcome SAC Combat Weapons Loading Competition. 04:24:28 Competition leader SOF to camera. Participants off plane. Training in gym, on assault course etc. 04:25:47 04Sep?? Maj General Monroe W Hatch, Chief of Staff, Strategic Air Command gives welcome speech. VS competition in progress; maintenance teams at work, races, combat activities. 04:27:06 Winning teams pose w/ trophies. Montage of activities. 04:28:24 Title: Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service. Daytime simulation of rescue mission - airman wounded in enemy territory. Control room / navigating activity; briefing session, consult map. Crew into armored helicopter drops men ino wooded area, men out & thru jungle w/ camouflage makeup - whispering instructions; injured airman located and carried back to clearing. Helicopter drops harness & injured winched up, into helicopter. AF Military Aviation Training. 04:33:20 Project Warrior Curtis LeMay at desk writing diary. Interview w/ LeMay w/ cutaways to WWII aviation footage col&b/w - fighter taking off at Langley Field, Virginia. 1938, B-17 bombers on goodwill mission to Argentina. Hitler & Roosevelt, montage war production & Pearl Harbor. 04:35:16 Color 8th AF B-17 squadron in England, damage & wounded. Crewman kisses ground. Lemay & US 305th Bomb Group at Prestwick, Scotland, CU landing. LeMay in HQ w/ pilots. 04:36:03 Color Bombers take off & in tight box formation, bombs drop. 04:36:39 INT bomber nose & POV. New B-29 crash-lands in sea; another in flames on runway; maintenance crews at work. Large number of bombs released & falling. LaMay interview SOF in living room. 04:38:02 Color EXT White House & Capitol, Washington. 04:38:07 B/W LaMay in front of B-29. Aerials over Tokyo after successful bombing raids, wide fires burning. 04:38:20 Japanese surrender 14Aug45. LeMay as USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Research & Development; split-screen missiles / rockets taking off. 04:38:49 B/W 1948 Berlin Blockade by Soviets. Operation Vittels flying supplies into West Berlin, children eating. 04:39:32 B-36s in flight. LeMay, head of Strategic Air Command (SAC). Montage: B-29, B-36s, B-47, B-52 & missiles. Refueling. 04:40:10 President Kennedy, JFK, praising LeMay & welcoming him as USAF Chief of Staff. CU LeMAY thinking w/ pipe in mouth (stills?). Presented by Your Air Force. Air Force Training; Army Air Force History; Biography;