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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250066-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1942-1945,1940s
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Hamburg,Rouen,Schweinfurt
TC Begins: 11:21:32
TC Ends: 11:29:54
Duration: 00:08:22
Title. Montage film re US Army Air Force activity in WWII - mostly brief shots. Opens w/ flashback to WWI French troops storming German trenches probably staged. 11:22:07 AVs bomb damaged city - Hamburg ? 11:22:36 Montage aircraft & air operations - B-26s, B-17s & P-38s in flight - bombs away inc. aerials of bombing of Rouen, 17Aug42. Mass of Flying Fortresses en route to Germany to bomb factories at Schweinfurt. Unescorted B-17s under attack by FW-190s. 11:24:24 Interior factory - ballbearing production. 11:24:36 Gen. Eisenhower conferring w/ aides in front of map brief. Bomber going down - unescorted B-17s under attack by FW-190s - German gun camera footage? Bombs away on target. Wreckage of factory - 14Oct42. Bombers in flight - view of propeller failing from inside cabin. 11:26:02 Unloading of dead & wounded from Schweinfurt raid from US bombers. 11:26:20 INT German factory still working - German industry - ball bearings - moving of military equipment. Ruins of Schweinfurt 20Aug43. 11:27:38 P-47s in flight. Damaged US planes. Massed aircraft in flight. P-51s on airfield. Air combat scenes. Bombing German factories - aftermath damage. 11:29:27 INT German aircraft factory - Fokke-Wulfs on production line; finished planes under camouflage netting. WWII; WW2 Military Aviation; USAAF; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: