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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221651-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1958
Country: USA
Location: Holloman AFB Base,New Mexico
TC Begins: 10:49:00
TC Ends: 11:09:45
Duration: 00:20:45
Daisy Track Decelerator Tests, Jan-Mar58 R4 of ? Man w/ belt & medical wires attached onto sled (?), laying on side & buckled in. Shot down track in test. 10:49:44 Slate 22Jan58 Man to technicians, wired up & strapped in & fired. 10:50:23 Slate 22Jan58 Subject - Yates. Broken board on sled. Photographer on platform w/ black bag over camera on tripod; second cameraman. 10:51:17 Airman out of concrete block building, walks to sled, attached belt & wires. Equipment. Officer massaging man’s leg strapped into sled. Photogapher. Sled into stop; man helped up. Tractor returns sled to starting point. 10:54:13 Man out of bldg & to sled; strapped in. End of track, plunger on sled into water cushion, man on sled visible, shakes head & technicians check pulse & blood pressure & unstrap him. He climbs down & walks back. 10:56:03 Slate: 23Jan58 Airman Patterson out of building; strapped into sled & sled ejected. 10:56:44 Slate: Yates. Black airman out of bldg; buckled in; sled released. Culbreath from bldg; into sled. High angle of sled released. Long shot of snow capped mountains. 10:58:10 Slate: 23Jan58 Patterson Overhead of sled coming to stop, pad flies off, man shakes head okay. 10:53:32 Slate: 23Jan58 Yates. Overhead, sled coming to stop. 10:58:42 Slate 23Jan58 Culbreath. Overhead, sled to stop. 10:59:15 Slate 04Feb58 Daisy Track. Pre & Post Launch. Cushioned seat hoised onto sled. Slates: 04-05Feb58 Dummy. Dummy in seat in different positions, vertical to horizontal, to sudden stop from side; towards camera. 11:05:13 Slate 31Mar58 Beeding out of bldg, strapped in vertical seat facing backwards. Technicians watch. Mosely to chair & strapped in, fired. Alvarez to chair, strapped in fired. Beeding strapped in, launched & helped off. Mosely at end of run. Doctors check & walks back. Alvarez at end of run, same. Acceleration; Daisy Track Deceleration; Military Medical Testing; Human Subjects; NASA Aerospace Program; NOTE: Air powered, water cushioned short track used from 1955 to 1958. All persons repeat same routine.