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Go to HomepageReel Number: H2186-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1958,1959
Country: Canada,United Kingdom,USA
Location: dayton,Malton,Ohio,Ontario,Wright Paterson Field
TC Begins: 02:11:47
TC Ends: 02:30:50
Duration: 00:19:03
Titles. 02:12:02 Aerial over Avro Facility at Malton, Ontario. Main entrance w/ Canadian flag flying. 02:12:21 Engineers looking at drawings / blueprints on desk & at drafting board. Room of draftsmen. 02:12:37 Avrocar moved out of hanger seen from above w/ US Air Force, US Army markings. Narrator gives operating specifications. 02:13:03 Full scale Avrocar mockup being constructed of wood; motor / engine above, fuel tanks & motor in place. Finished mock-up w/ plexiglass hoods. Men checking w/ blueprints. 02:15:04 1/20 scale model tested in wind tunnel by engineers or technicians. 02:15:32 1/5 scale model being assembled; tested in wind tunnel at Wright Air Development Center (WADC). Flow visualization shown. 02:16:42 Full scale 20-foot segment of perpheral nozzle & outer portion of wing constructed & tested for propulsion & control. CU spoiler rings & adjustment seen. 02:17:42 Control room scenes w/ automatic recording equipment. Ribbons showing air movement from propulsion system of test section. 02:18:14 MS of man operating model of the skeleton during hovering of Avrocar w/ electrically driven gyro simulating turbo-rotor & operates gates controlling emission on air. Model flown around in room. GOOD. 02:19:23 1/20 model of disc shown; used in conjunction w/ electronic analog computer. 02:20:00 Two engineers & electronic analog compute w/ printout. Men looking at blueprints & assembling test vehicle w/ tooling & sub-assembly jigs. Main structural components begun; men working on center face & other parts being attached in final assembly jig. 02:22:31 Primary structure moved from final assembly jig for final assembly w/ engines. CU turbine rotor, compressor blades manufactured & assembled. 02:25:48 Completed turbo rotor installed & checked. 02:26:12 Assembly mounted in test rig w/ ducting. Man in control room during test (SOF) calling out readings. 02:28:00 Tested rotor installed in vehicle. Third engine & exhaust duct installed; turbo air inlet installed. CU of testing control systems during installation, then covered. 02:29:41 Weighing completed vehicle & ratios of weight and balance confirmed. 02:29:55 Moving Avrocar to test area for final work before testing. 02:30:39 End credits. 02:30:45 Title: This Film Is Classified Secret. Space Age Craft; Flying Saucer; UFOs; Unidentified Flying Objects; Engineering; Wacky Inventions; Oddities. 1950s; Color; Disc Flight; Experimental Aircraft Testing; Aviation; NOTE: Sell any continuous ten minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: Disc Flight research started in 1952 per sound track.