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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1330-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Berlin,London,Paris
TC Begins: 14:26:25
TC Ends: 14:34:34
Duration: 00:08:09
Card 1 of 2 (both cards sold as one reel) Intertitle: Other nations are spending millions annually on subsidies for commerical aircraft. In the United States no direct subsidies are paid. European commercial air routes. 14:26:42 Animated map of Europe w/ lines extending from London to Paris. 14:26:47 Title: Both France & England maintain air routes between London & Paris. 14:26:54 MLS passengers outside Handley Page W8B, boarding. 14:27:06 Cargo into single-engine bi-wing aircraft. 14:27:13 MLS & MS passengers out of touring car & board a Farman Goliath airliner w/ Grands Express Aeriens, P.U. 1600 Ki printed on side. Sign on door: EXPRESS TO LONDON. 14:27:27 MS medium-sized British bi-winged transport taxiing left on airfield. Biplane overhead. 14:27:37 Aerial of European city. Single-engine bi-wing transport landing to the left. 14:27:52 MS's passengers debark from early passenger aircraft. 14:28:00 Animated air routes over map of Europe to Manchester, Amsterdam, Berlin. 14:28:10 MS cargo loaded, passengers board early bi- plane; pig loaded into Grand Express Airlines Farman Goliath. Pig head & passenger head out of window (GAG). 14:28:35 Routes extended to Warsaw. Cargo is loaded & passengers board early model Spad bi-plane. 14:28:57 Intertitle: Europe develops commercial aeronautics from a military standpoint. Air line equipment is available in warfare in case of necessity. 14:29:08 LS four French Breguet 14 reconnaissance photo planes parked, one starts motor & taxis right. 14:29:14 Intertitle: Huge air cruisers start commercial flying season. Tempelhofer Airdome becomes busy place as thirteen passenger lines begin operations. 14:29:26 LS pan aircraft on ramp. MS row of Dornier Komet III monoplanes parked at an air base. 1 14:29:42 Intertitle: The last word in aerial transportation, a geiant four-motored monoplane makes its debut. 14:29:50 Workmen turn & push a Udet Kondor transport aircraft (German), a high-winged four-engine pusher transport aircraft onto field. 14:30:14 Intertitle: Light & inexpensive airplanes have been developed. MS takeoff to the right of a small single engine high-winged one-passenger light aircraft similar to glider. 14:30:35 Intertitle: Projected routes from Europe. Animated world map showing projected air routes. 14:31:17 Intertitle: Testing in fly between Paris & New York. MS a French DeMonge Type 7-5 aircraft taxiing to the left on an airfield. 14:31:46 Intertitle: After the war we thought of the airplane...a servant of mankind. MLS passengers climb stairs into early model bi-winged, twin-engined passenger airliner. 14:32:04 Intertitle: Aircraft is being used in the United States for many commercial purposes... 14:32:15 MLS to MS passengers out of touring car, board Larson JL-6; pilot into cockpit thru window. 14:32:27 Passengers out & in cabin of seaplane. Large Aeromarine West Indies Airways U.S. & Cuban mail service amphibian converted from US Navy TN-1O airship in flight; ext. & int. views w/ ships below. 14:34:21 Intertitle: Transporting merchandise. Packages & equipment loaded in rear cockpit of Curtiss JN-6. 14:34:34 Continued on card 2. Both sold as single reel if desired. Commercial Aviation; 1920s;