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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221439-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960
Country: Chad,Gabon,Libya
Location: Fort Lamy,Libreville
TC Begins: 04:28:01
TC Ends: 04:35:31
Duration: 00:07:30
Dr. Albert Schweitzer & USAFE Goodwill Mission, ca 01-07Jul60 Village, several well dressed black boys one w/ flowers into village square; two doctors or nurses talking to or treating patients. MCU of Oriental, Doctor Takahashi, holding black baby; posing w/ others outside of hospital. 04:28:59 Dr. Schweitzer walking toward camera followed by others. CU Schweitzer posing w/ ?? (brief); on river bank watching as board small boat & leave. 04:29:52 Schweitzer out of public building in Libreville, Gabon w/ US military man. Shakes hands w/ Bobby Hill & others of American group as they board bus. 04:30:46 Signs: 784 Yaounde, 379 Oyem, 64 Niojole. Opposite direction: 71 Lambarene, 646 Dolisie, 1041 Brazzaville. CU Lambaren. 04:31:13 Ext. of building w/ sign over door Libreville; two US military walking past. Airstrip. Aerial over large river & villages. POV from cockpit (overexposed. 04:32:16 Bobby Hill & military posing by plane for still photographer. 04:32:27 MS of large Moorish-style gate over very empty paved road at Fort Lamy, Chad. Man walks across road, bicycle towards camera. 04:32:56 Desktop w/ model airplane, transistor radio & plaques (over exposed). CU Russwurm Award (National Negro Newspaper Publishers Association) to Robert Hill. 04:33:29 MOS of military interviewer presenting model plane, certificate & trophy to Bobby Hill sitting next to his father SSgt Henry Hill. 04:34:57 Hill family on tarmac at Wheelus AFB; hugs & smiles. Humanitarian; Africa;